Nov 14, 2010

The Illusionist US Trailer

The US trailer for Líllusionist is now online and some of the scenes ( parts of ) that I worked on have been included, which of course is always nice. It is also highly likely, the only time, I will or any other animators (amongst other trailers) be able to share our work from the illusionist online in some capacity or another due to quite strict contractual agreements. A topic in itself. Two of the scenes that were included featured Andre Pierdel, the old man with a top hat and wearing a purple suit who I was luckily enough to animate, and for me the most is enjoyable character I have worked on to this day. Pierdel is an actual person in real life, a magician, and an actor who played various parts in Tatis films. I believe Sylvain Chomet included him in the film as a small tribute to Pierdel for his career and involvement in the Tati films as well as his help in showing and sharing his knowledge of Magic that was used as inspiration for The Illusionist. Laurent Kircher a senior animator did the wonderful design for Pierdel which I think really captures him well. I have included some real life photos of him so you can see who the real man is and how he was caricatured in the film, and even though there are only snippets of the scenes you can at least see the similarity in the two. Of course watching the film you will see the whole scenes and get a better idea of character as the scenes are about 10 times than what you see in the trailer. Better than nothing though.

The first scene Tati and Pierdel show off their magic to each other ,but its one of those scenes you work on and that you really get into , knowing though, that a lot of it will be obscured by more important foreground action. When you see the full scene in the film it actually works out ok and you can still see, or feel you could say, whats going on without being too distracted from the main action. Part of the Tati style of film making.

The second scene Pierdel walks downstairs with Tati and Alice and he Introduces Tati to some prospective producers and then they are all trodden on the foot by a small man. The characteristic quirkiness and slasptick again that you see in his film.

The third scene that I worked on was actually the first scene that I animated on and the last scene in this trailer. I animated and clean-up the audience all reacting in some slightly polite but bored manner to Tatis performance. Was a good warm up an introduction to the style of the characters. You can view the US trailer by clicking on this link.

So thats it, my little bit. Or a sample at least.

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